Sunday, October 02, 2005

From the Frugal Reading Rack (FFRR)

I'm a big reader and I love finding great tips in magazines, newspapers and books. On a weekly basis, (usually Sundays), I'll offer a round-up of some of the frugal tips, I've stumbled on.

Harper's Bazaar (October, 2005 issue)
Jennifer Lopez Beauty Picks

In this feature, Jennifer Lopez provides a rundown of her favorite beauty products and application tips. Of course, her list includes some eye-popping, BIG-ticket items, such as Creme de la Mer ($195 for a small jar of skin moisturizer!)

But, JLo also provides an eye-opening insight about a cheaper --and effective -- skin care routine used by her mother. Using Pond's (about $9), Mom Lopez covers her skin "from head to toe," Jennifer Lopez says in the latest issue of Harper's Bazaar:

"Maybe that's why she [Mom] looks so good. I'm using Creme de la Mer at $200 a pop, and I could just go to Wal-Mart and get Pond's."

Lucky Magazine

Get your free Tweezerman tune-up! In the latest issue of Lucky magazine, the editorial staff reports that the Tweezerman company will sharpen your Tweezerman tweezers for free. By the way, Tweezerman products are on sale this week (Oct. 2 through Oct. 8) at CVS for a 10 percent discount off the normal retail price.

To get your used pair sharpened for free, mail your older Tweezerman tweezers to:

Tweezerman Service Center
235 Blue Bell Road
Houston, Texas 77037

According to Lucky Magazine, the Tweezerman company will sharpen and ship back your tweezers in two weeks.

New life for old magic markers.

This money-$aving tip comes from the Oct. 17 issue of First, a women's magazine.

Revive old magic markers with nail polish. That's the word from the October 17 issue of First magazine. Just soak a dried-up, used-up magic marker in a bit of nail polish remover (about a half of an inch of nail polish remover)for a half minute. Allow five minutes for each marker to dry. Voila! Those old markers will brighten up the page again, according to First magazine. The secret: moisture is restored by the acetone in the nail polish remover. This restoration happens without diluting the color, the magazine reports.
You can save about $18 annually on markers with this trick.

Ciao! Shalom!
Sharon hr

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