Monday, October 31, 2005

Frugal Review: Nov. Issue of Lucky Magazine

Okay, so I'm not lucky enough to afford a lot of the stuff in the November issue of Lucky magazine, but do I really need a pair of $570 "diva version" Jeweled suede boots? (Page 108) In South Florida? I don't think so.

But ya' know. I can dream and there's lots of fun stuff to dream about in the latest issue of Lucky Magazine.

Here's my quick overview of the magazine: Thumps up with a few pricey caveats. Great Read!

Top 5 reasons why I enjoyed the November issue of Lucky magazine.

5. The little yes-no-maybe adhesive tabs. (About 20 of the little sticky squares on a page.) They're like mini-Post-its that come free with the magazine. These colorful peel-off stickers are great for marking up your favorite pages in Lucky! What's more, save the unused tabs for marking up your calendar, your To Do list or your favorite poem in a book.

4. Great advice about preventing angora sweaters from shedding on page 92. Hint: Put the garment in a ziplock; then put the bag in a freezer for three hours. Really cool. That process step should halt shedding, according to Lucky.

3. Wonderful feature (with pictures) about wearing belted cardigan sweaters. And the price range has something for every budget. Lucky features everything from a $17 Faded Glory sweater to a $268 cardigan from Victoria's Secret.

2. Great Lashes (page 152). Lucky provides the 411 on mascara products. Goods reviewed range from Maybelline's (drugstore) $6 Great Lash clear Mascara in the pink and green container to a $24 eyelash curling wand from YSL sold at Nordstrom.

(Personally, I'm a Maybelline girl and I love to buy my favorite mascara during two-for-one sales at Walgreen's.)

1. Loved, loved, loved the feature called "Your fashion questions answered." (page 230) Great insights & photos. Take those pages shopping with you while browsing through your favorite thrift store, the sale rack at Bloomies, an outlet mall or in Mom's closet. Warning: If you borrow from mom, your must ask first.

Other favorites: Check out the Flea Market report on page 251. This is an interesting regional roundup of second-hand shopping throughout the country. Great for locals and great for travelers.


Be frugal and have lots of fun.
Frugal Review: Lucky Magazine

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