Saturday, October 29, 2005

Gratitude and Frugal Philosophy: I love Mom & Dad!

I love my parents and I owe them so much.

Barbara and Ben Harvey are great parents! I could write pages about their generosity and sage advice. For example, on a regular basis, my mother and father feed me money-saving tips for my column in the Miami Herald. From Do-it-Yourself wedding/shower/party invitations to the frugal benefits of organization, my parents provide a steady stream of information and insights.

And if I've lived like a Duchess, that's because my parents have provided royal financial support from childhood to the present moment.

What's more, they provided three great siblings, Ben Jr., Karen and Debra, who have followed the family tradition of open-hearted generosity.

The bottom line: I have many reasons to be thankful.

Love you guys!

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