Thursday, November 10, 2005

Frugal Angie Harmon & Deficit News

Released today by federal government:

The Department of Commerce announced today that total September exports of $105.2 billion and imports of $171.3 billion resulted in a goods and services deficit of $66.1 billion, $6.8 billion more than the $59.3 billion in August.

Market watchers attributed the record eye-popping deficit to a mixture of factors: the loss of U.S. jobs to the overseas market, the impact of Hurricanes Katrina & Rita, and higher oil prices.

Oh well. Just 66 billion reasons to keep a tight watch on your own expenses.

And speaking of personal thrift, Actress Angie Harmon claims to be a real bargain-hunting queen. That's the word from the Nov. issue of Shop Etc. magazine.

Here are her bargain-hunting comments:

"It doesn't matter how much money your make, if I can get something for under $100 that's great," Harmon said. "When they put those big red letters that say SALE in the window, I count down the hours until I can get there." --Angie Harmon, cover story of Shop Etc.

Of course, you can save a lot by NOT shopping at all. But that's another story.


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