Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Frugal flower arrangements

For advice about frugal, but elegant floral arrangements, I turned to Richard David, co-owner of Mark’s Garden, a Los Angeles-based retail flower and design shop. The company supplied the centerpieces for the 2005 Academy Awards Governors Ball and have also created floral designs for Jennifer Lopez, Jessica Simpson, Shaquille O’Neal and other celebrities. We had a fun phone conversation:

His advice:

Check out your own backyard. Homegrown flowers, herbs, vines and greenery can be used to enhance or stretch bouquets purchased from floral shops or supermarkets.

“Just walk around and be creative,” David said. “Sometimes, even weeds can be pretty when you add them to flowers.”

Be creative. At a recent party for my son, a creative friend decorated the buffet tables with banana leaves. Draped over the table cloth, the large green leaves provided an elegant, but unusual flourish to the serving tables.

Don't be contained by vases. Teapots, bowls, cups and other interesting containers provide visual sparks at parties.

Size doesn’t matter. Smaller arrangements provide greater flexibility and facilitate conversation. Fruits, berries and rose petals are also creative but inexpensive materials for decorating tables.

“Always remember candles,” David said. “Little votive candles always add something to a table arrangement. Flickering lights create a warm and inviting ambiance.”

Potted plants are also an option. Indeed, for a recent family function, my husband purchased trays of inexpensive yellow and purple annual flowers from Home Depot.

The trays were wrapped in festive tissue paper and provided an elegant touch to the tables. After the party, we planted the flowers in our small garden and gave the rest away.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:58 AM

    just came across your blog site tonight while perusing for furniture liquidation stores. I enjoyed reading your suggestions on how to enjoy a classy lifestyle on a frugal budget. I love to shop sales and have found such wonderful treasures both for myself and for gifts. (I stock up on sale stuff and always manage to find someone to give it to).
    I have now added your site to my favorites.
    Keep on writing.(PS: loved your article on the many uses of vinegar and frugal flower arrangements).
