Monday, November 07, 2005

Frugal Reader: Review of More Magazine

Thumbs Up for the November issue of More.

Aimed at hip, career-oriented women, who care about money, beauty and anti-aging theories.

Age target: 40 and up. But don't call them middle-aged, granny or frumpy. Younger readers would also benefit from insights.

Here are my TOP FIVE FRUGAL REASONS for liking the November issue of More

5. Great interview with Debi Mazar (page 28) about vintage clothes:

A big Frugal Fashion Applause for this quote from Mazar:

I moved to L.A. and went to events and movie premieres, but always wore my own vintage clothes. Even though I was finally making more money, I just couldn't spend a thousand dollars on an item of clothing.

4. Weekly Frugal Duchess Ad Award: Citibank's anti-wrinkle pitch. Tagline: "You really can prevent worry lines....Get a better retirement plan."

The ad shows a mock ad for anti-aging skin cream potions. Really cute. I might even check out the website to find out if it has any info worth noting.

3. Waist Management (page 48): Cute feature from Kim Johnson Gross about bodies and clothes. Very helpful and could save us all from making costly and ill-fitting clothing blunders. Winner of the Frugal Duchess Budget Saver Article Award

2. Mentors for Grown-Ups (p. 58) Winner of the Frugal Duchess Entrepreneur Award

This excellent piece by Mary Lou Quinlan offers great tips about getting pro bono consulting advice for your career or company. Why pay an expensive consultant when you can network your way to insights and corporate feedback?

1. The Money Diaries: Winner of the Weekly Frugal Duchess Must Read Award

Did you ever want to sneak a peak at someone else's net worth ledger statement? The Money Diaries on page 80 (with figures, names and warts) showcases the financial follies, choices and balance sheets of several women. It's very insightful and helpful. I enjoyed the snapshots and the expert advice that concluded each snippet.

Also of note: The Life and Opinions of Sandy Lerner (on page 119) by Kathy Sheridan.

Reader Feedback, Tips & Suggestions:

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