Monday, August 14, 2006

Five Tips for Hiring Financial Help

Who do you trust with your money? How do you screen out the duds and scoundrels? Here are a few tips that I found helpful.

The news release is featured below.

"Your Money….Who Can You Trust?


It’s a question the vast majority of Americans face: Do you ‘go it alone’ when it comes to planning your financial future, investments, and savings plans; or do you get the help of an ‘expert’ to guide you through the process and ensure you get the most bang for your buck? Increasingly, most of us choose to seek professional help. But to whom do you turn to and trust?

Roland Manarin of Manarin Investment Counsel, named one of America’s top 100 financial advisors by Barron’s magazine, literally has seen it all when it comes to investments and financial planning.


1. A good financial professional will have their bacon cooking with yours. If they feel strongly about an investment, they should have their own money there.

2. Most financial professionals give advice slanted against true wealth-building principles. Most offer advice that is simply a repetition of what they’ve been taught. Successful long-term investment advice is not a “shoot from the hip” proposition. A sound understanding of the big picture–taking into account your personal goals and not the agenda of the financial professional–is essential.

3. Not all financial professionals are good investors. Most often, they make their money by selling you something; not by being successful investors themselves.

4. Be aware of big-name firm representatives. Most often, the big name firms only allow their salespeople to sell you products that the firm puts on its shelf. You want someone who can offer you anything on the planet.

5. Ignore salespeople; look for teachers. When considering a financial professional, ask yourself, “Is this person trying to teach me something or trying to sell me something?” The majority of financial professionals sell you what you buy based on your greed and fear. Look for someone who is willing to teach you, regardless of whether you invest with them or not.

Roland Manarin is president of Manarin Investment Counsel, Ltd. and portfolio manager of the Lifetime Achievement Fund. He is the featured host of the radio talk show It’s Your Money and creator of the Manarin Wealth-Building Seminar Series which he has presented since 1977 teaching investors to ignore conventional wisdom and practice true wealth-building strategies.

A renowned financial speaker, Manarin each year presents seminars and keynotes to businesses, institutions, universities, and investment conferences." Manarin's website.

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