Sunday, August 20, 2006

My Favorite Post-Its Pt. 2

The thunder in Miami has stopped and I can go back online without fear of a blackout. Here are more of my favorite links for the week.

Molly's Brother on a Budget has great info about sites that let you
swap gift cards.

Tired But Happy has an informative post about making money while blogging. Great tips and overview.

Millionaire Artist has an insightful post about setting realistic financial goals. She talks about the importance of setting deadlines. The bottom line: freedom & choice.

My 1st Million at 33 has a post on his biggest finanancial blunder. Hint: he "misused" a cash gift of $90,000. It's a thoughtful post, but I'll gradually exchange his worst financial blunder for mine.


  1. Anonymous2:56 AM

    Thanks, Sharon, for adding my post to your favorites.

    I really like your picture strolling on the beach. Makes me want to retire today.

  2. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Thank you for adding my post to a list of favorites! I've already used a tip I've gleamed from one of your entries last weekend: frozen grapes! ;) Keep up the great blog!
