Thursday, August 03, 2006

Pop Shopping Quizz

I read a lot of magazines and the September issue of Woman's Day has a great article by Mary Hunt about shopping.

She offers an anti-wasteful shopping pop quizz.

Before making a purchase ask yourself the following questions:

1) Is this item really necessary? (if no, put it back on the shelf)

2) Is it affordable?(if no, put it back)

3) Do I own another item that will serve the same purpose? (if yes, don't buy)

4) Is it possible to wait and buy a cheaper substitute later? (if yes, don't buy)

5) Have I really shopped around for the best deal? (if no, don't buy)

6) What happens if I delay this purchase? This is the trick question. (if you're not going to lose the home of your dreams, the perfect shoe or a night's sleep, forget it!)

By the way, Mary Hunt has written a new edition of her book: Debt-Proof Living. Woman's Day is giving away free copies of the book during the entire month of August.

No purchase to enter. Here's the link for submitting your entry: Mary Hunt book contest


  1. Anonymous8:36 PM

    This list is so true. I usually go through some of those questions in my head before I make even a small purchase. I rationalize every purchase down to it's core. My wife loves to buy clothes or shoes, walk in the door and say "I'm takin em back." On the drive home she has realized she does not like a certain item or have anything that goes with it etc. A very efficient way return policy.

  2. Anonymous11:14 AM

    I had an experience of this yesterday. I need more work-worthy shoes and went to the mall to take advantage of the tax-free holiday plus summer shoes clearance. While there, I found a pair of $50 loafers for $11. I got them. I looked at several more pairs of shoes, trying to make up my mind about them, and then I saw a pair of great black heels on sale for $40. While I was looking at them, a saleslady asked if she could help me. I asked her to get a pair in my size. Meanwhile, my husband had bought the other pair I had liked. While I waited for the woman to bring the shoes, I remembered I had told myself I was there for absolute bargains--nothing over $25 a pair. So I grabbed my husband and left before I could be tempted to buy a pair outside my budget. I felt bad about leaving while the lady was looking for the shoes, but if I tried them on and liked them, I would have tried to convince myself to buy them.

  3. Grest escape from the shoe sale.

    Shoes are my weakness. Especially Marshall's. I've scored expensive shoes for $7 a pair.

    But with my new quizz, maybe I'll save a lot by thinking twice about purchasing.

    A sale is not a sale if you don't need the stuff. (I should mutter that under my breath when I shop!)
