Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Seeking Input about Blogvertise

I read about Blogvertise on a blog in and I was wondering if anyone has feedback, insights, experiences.

I googled the company and ran across other bloggers with test posts like this.

By the way, I registered and this is my sample post, but this setup is pending mutual review. Translation: I will cancel if this is not legit or not ethical.
Your feedback is appreciated (post a comment) or you can write to me at


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I agree. It may work for others, but not for me.

    All of my copy has been independent and it's important to preserve that independence.

    I plan to cancel my enrollment.

    If I did participate, I would flag all copy as paid advertisement. It is sort of like when newspapers and magazines run "advertorials," which are articles and publications that look ALMOST like real news stories, but are flagged as ADS!

    Those programs are controversial in the traditional print world.

    These are interesting issues. Site sponsors, third-party ads and links are okay, but direct placements seem to cross the line of ethics for those of us who seek independence.

    Your response has prompted me to create a post stating my editorial policy. I pick topics, stories and news releases based on my own tastes and news judgement.

    I value independence.

    Thanks for your input.

  3. Anonymous2:40 PM

    I've seen a few sites offering a "pay-to-post" arrangement. I signed up once out of curiousity just as you did.

    My feeling is that getting paid to post a message without telling readers, is not only unethical but an outright betrayal of their trust.

    I have people email each week offering iPods, free subscriptions and other perks just so I'll review their site and pass on the word.

    I have never taken an offer and never will. I don't know why they are offering me things anyway. Who am I?


  4. Hey Mark:

    I agree with you and Flexo.

    I think all ads should be clearly marked otherwise there is a violation of trust.

    Thanks so much for your thoughts.

  5. Anonymous10:32 PM

    I totally agree. I signed up for one of these services when I first started my blog, but quickly decided that something wasn't quite right about--basically--blogging about press releases for companies.

    Nice to see others feel the same way.

  6. I agree with Flexo.

    I've dropped a few blogs from my reading list because the frequency of their paid-to-post entries are too much to overlook.

  7. Molly's Brother and Udandi:

    Thanks for your comments. Very validating. Yesterday, as soon as I enrolled, it didn't feel right for me.

    I feature news (unpaid) from assorted sources--wire reports, my own musings, press releases, surveys, magazines, data, blogs, agencies and others.

    The selections are based on my own quirks and news judgement.

    I have never been paid to highlight a survey, press release, magazine, etc.

    It's not right for me. I prefer to keep a firewall between my content and any ads that run on the blog.

    Thanks for your input.

  8. I signed up for blogvertise, because I am free to be objective, so my opinion doesn't seem to have been bought, however as of yet I have not been offered any thing to post about.

    On the other hand, I have written a couple of things up via the PayPerPost website. They seem to be legit and D from Illinios says in her blogs that she has actually received cash deposited into her paypal account. For the 2 posts I have made through them, I will receive $13. I amke mention of them in my post "PayPerPost Founder Ted Murphy Arrested," the article is actually a rumor I am starting to create buzz for the site and make me $10.5.

    If you decide to sign up with them and give them a try, name me as the one who refered you. My email is frugal -AT-
    Hope you have a great day. God bless you.

  9. Sharon -
    I wanted to update my previous response. As of this past past week I have received 2 offers from blogsvertise. I am still working on the 2nd one, but the one I posted on 9/13 will pay me $10 when I receive the funds on 10/13. So they seem to be very good and I look forward to continue receiving offers from them.

  10. I am wondering if blogvertise discourages you from revealing that what you are posting is a "sponsored post" ? Does anyone have experience with this? I am not signed with them, but just curious.
