Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Special Welcome to Frugal Village Folks!

Thanks to all of the folks from Frugal Village who have stopped by my blog to check out the Sitting on the Fence of Poverty post about the PBS show Waging a Living, which I featured a little while ago.

The PBS show -- about the difficulty of making ends meet for the "working poor"-- airs tonight. The folks at Frugal Village had a lot of insightful thoughts about living expenses, salaries and economic pressure. It's a great thread and I plan to post it in the PBS forum.

Here is a "Waving a Living" Update about the people who were profiled in tonight's show. It might be more interesting to read their updated stories after watching the show.

A special thanks to Shell, a Frugal Village moderator, who originally shared my post with that forum.

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