Thursday, September 21, 2006

Forbes: Best & Worst-Paying Jobs

Forbes and MSN have profiled, the "Best & Worst-Paying Jobs."

Top-Dollar jobs: Surgeons ($181,850 per year), Anesthesiologists ($174,000), CEOs ($140,880), airline pilots ($134,000,) Computer/Info systems chiefs ($100,110). Lawyers and marketing gurus also make fat salaries.

On the other end, Low-Dollar jobs include: "Fast-food cooks ($15,230), followed by busboys, dishwashers and waiters." The average annual pay for all positions (high and low) is &37,440.

The MSN/Forbes feature offers a link to an informative slide show with details about the best pay per job based on region of the country (top paying state/top-paying metro area). The demographic information is ideal for anyone coming out of college, switching jobs or relocating.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Of course, where you make the most money doing those jobs is the least affordable places to live. I bet a bus-boy in rural Georgia makes out better than a bus-boy in NYC when you factor in the cost of living.
