Sunday, September 10, 2006

Frugal Spa Wrap: Favorite Post-its

The Frugal Weekend Spa wraps up with a weekly wrap of some of my favorite posts from other blogs, divided by topic.

Finance: Nuts and Bolts

All Financial Matters provides a useful list of calculators:
gas calculator, cost of waiting, how much life insurance do you need and others.

Financial Freedumb has a pert answer about why he has so much cash on hand and how he did it. Hint: he’s young but he’s been working since age 14.

Work and College

Boston Gal featured an insightful piece about how more employers are using credit scores as a hire/no-hire tool.

Free the Drone offers a tip on getting free text books. Hint: the books come with advertisements. But hey it’s free.

The Homefront & Personal Stuff

Blogging Away Debts has shaved her budget, with home haircuts. Cute!

No Limits Ladies has an adorable piece about being vocal about your birthday: Brag and collect the Goody Bags.

Blueprint for Financial Prosperity has a fun piece on why we should snap up that Lexus and other status symbols.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Yay! My birthday leverage guide made it! LOL
