Sunday, September 17, 2006

Spa Wrap: My Favorite Post-its

From Birthday Greetings to Napoleon Hill Gospel truths, there were a lot of good financial posts out there. Here is my roundup of some of my favorite posts from other blogs.

At Frugal for Life, Dawn offers a thoughtful birthday greeting to her mom. It’s really the thought that counts. Happy Birthday to Dawn’s Mom! You have a wonderful, savvy daughter. She's also very kind.

On the employment front, Molly’s Brother does far more than whine about his recent loss of job. He offers a helpful roadmap to others for dealing with financial uncertainty.

Napoleon Hill, author of Think Rich, Grow Rich, lives on through Fearless Money, who provides up-Hill encouragement to those of us who are worried about financial success and plan to work way past our silver hair years.

Self Discipline & better personal finance management. That’s the link explored at Money Matter and More Musings.

Hey shoppers. My Money Blog provides an excellent buyers guide for finding the best seasonal sales. Timing is everything.

1 comment:

  1. Sharon, thanks for the mention and the link.
