Thursday, October 12, 2006

Hey Budget Fashionista Readers!

"Being Broke Ain't Cute: Getting Your Financial Act Together" That's the title of the Budget Fashionista's upcoming series about financial planning, which will run Oct. 15 through Oct. 22.

Along with a number of bloggers, including some of my personal favorites, I am participating in the series, which fetures a menu of strong topics.

Thanks for the invite Budget Fashionista!

Anyway, here's the series preview:

Ya'll know how much I love a good handbag or a pair of shoes. But a woman can't live on shoes alone, which is why I asked some of the top personal finance bloggers to provide their financial expertise and insight during a special week on the site titled "Being Broke Ain't Cute: Getting Your Financial Act Together". From October 15th-October 22nd, the top personal finance bloggers will provide creative tips, unique strategies, and sound advice on getting your financial act together. From how to create an emergency fund to how to invest $100, you'll learn everything you need to know to help you on path to becoming a true budget fashionista . As always, I encourage you to actively participate on the site during this week, adding your own, tips, advice and comments.

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