Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Tuesday Tip: Strange Uses for Butter

From removing glue to coating pills, there are many unusual uses for butter. As part of my regular Tuesday Tip series, I found the following alternative uses for butter in two sources: Woman's World and Reader's Digest:

*Glue Removal: To take glue from your hands, rub them with butter before washing them down with soap and water.

* Gum from hair: Apply softened butter to the locks. Bubble gum will glide off without a tug-of-war.

*Easy Swallow: Cover pills with butter to help the medicine go down.

*The Cutting Edge: Coat a knife with butter before slicing through sticky items such as dried fruit of a gooey pies.

*Tree Sap Removal: Shaded Parking disaster? Dislodge sticky sap by rubbing on a pat of butter with a micro-fiber cloth or other soft material. Wipe until the butter and the sap are gone. No scratches.

--Source: Woman's World

What about a butter-based dry hair treatment, an anti-mold cheese recipe, emergency shaving cream, or fishy smell removal? Reader's Digest has these alternative butter uses.

My Favorite Tip:

Soothe aching feet
To soothe tired feet, massage them with butter, wrap in a damp, hot towel, and sit for 10 minutes. Your feet will feel revitalized … and they'll smell like popcorn too. -- Reader's Digest


  1. Anonymous10:05 AM

    I often rub butter all over my hands if they're feeling dry or hard or crackly. Of course, I wash them shortly thereafter, but it really seems to help.

  2. Hey Trent:

    Thanks for the tip!
    I will try this.
    Take care & Best wishes,

  3. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Okay, here's a really strange use for butter. This tip is for cat owners. Next time you move, butter your cat's paws before you let it outside for the first time at your new residence. Instead of darting out the door in a panic, the cat will sit down to lick the butter, which gives it a little time to become aware of its surroundings. We've used this trick in our family for years, and we've yet to lose a cat!

  4. Thanks! I appreciate the tip.
    It's unusual, for sure! Reader's Digest also had a tip about butter and cats! : )
    Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Anonymous1:58 PM

    this one is for people with small kids - if they're prone to bumping into things or falling down..rub some cold butter and they won't get a bruise (works very well on cheeks and forehead)..
