Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Can We Not Swap Gifts?

Is it possible to halt the holiday gift cycle with friends? and still be polite? and still keep your friends? Try these words: "The greatest gift we can give each other is the gift or our friendship. So let's just go out for coffee instead." That's a gift detour suggested by Mark Victor Hansen,(a Chicken Soup for the Soul co-author) in a recent issue of Woman's World.

Too often, we get caught in a cycle of giving-way-more than we can afford, Hansen said. It's tit-for-tat, presents-by-rote. Keep more of your money and keep your friends out of long merchandise-return lines. Consider thoughtful and frugal presents of time, an afternoon over hot lattes or other creative gifts.

My other favorite frugal gift ideas:

1) Make a scrapook for someone.
2) Fill a beautiful vase (from a thrift store) with pretty flowers.
3) Create a fun basket filled with favorite treats from dollar stores, clearance aisles of Marshall's/Ross/Target, gourmet stores or thrift stores (for unusual one-of-a-kind items.
4) Cook a special lunch.



The Frugal Duchess Boutique


  1. With my knitting friends, it's about a scarf, special ball of yarn, handspun in pretty colors, hand-dyed yarn, homemade caramels or cakes. It's very nice to get a special gift made just for you. (which reminds me, I'm really behind!)

    With other friends, we get a small gift that is a token of our friendship, but certainly not lavish. A card will generally do unless we're planning on meeting up. (because that's usually an out of town trip for someone.)

  2. Your gift ideas seem so thoughtful. That's my model. Take care!
