Sunday, November 05, 2006

Favorite Post-its: Weekly Picks from Other Blogs

Here are a few of some of my favorite posts from other blogs:

The Simple Dollar has a great item about contacting companies about flawed products.

The Real Estate Bloggers has an interesting article about real estate prices and politics.

I enjoyed Blunt Money's piece about Free online courses from MIT, Yale and other schools.

Tired But Happy has a thoughtful post about Holiday shopping and budgeting plans. I like the tips!

Millionaire Artist has a thoughtful posts about budgeting, surprise money and planning. There are lots of thoughtful comments as well.

The Budget Fashionista has a fun piece about cute fashions at Wal-Mart for less than $20.

Dumb Little Man has a super post about blog featues that suggest no one is reading your blog. Great suggestions.


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