Wednesday, November 01, 2006

My Editorial Policy

I've always admired the disclaimer and editorial policies posted on Flexo's I used that as a model for this policy posted today on my blog. I've featured this policy in a box at the bottom of my blog and a short disclaimer: (I'm not a financial, health or beauty expert) in the sidebar.

Here's one of my disclaimers:

This website maintains an intellectual firewall between editorial copy (my posts) and the ads on this site, including the sponsored links. All posts and articles are independent of the advertisements.

In keeping with a policy of editorial independence:

1) There are no Posts-for-Pay articles on this site.

2) None of the written articles, including book reviews or media releases are paid placements.

3) As a freelancer for various magazines and newspapers, I have contracts with different organizations. Those contracts are also independent of my blogging activities and I'm not paid to mention any magazine, newspaper or media outlet.

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