Thursday, November 30, 2006

My Interview at Money Blogger Podcast

Scott at Money Blogger Podcast was kind enough to interview me for his latest broadcast. I've enjoyed listening to past interviews in the series and I feel fortunate to be included.

I had so much fun chatting with him about personal finance, the world of blogging and frugal living. I appreciated his questions about my dual life as a newspaper columnist and my other life as a blogger. The opening music on his podcasts is very cool; Scott asks great questions, including some from other bloggers like Queer Cents.

Thanks to Scott for providing the space and to Flexo (Consumerism Commentary) and Mapgirl for mentioning the interview on their blogs.

I also appreciate the mention from A Penny Saved (who supplied a great question) and anyone else who took note on their blog.


The Frugal Duchess Boutique


  1. Anonymous12:57 PM

    I had no idea that this podcast existed. Looks like I have some catching up to do.

  2. Anonymous2:36 PM

    I just finished listening to the podcast myself (followed from Flexo) and I'm glad I stumbled across your blog. It is a fun and informative read. Thanks!

  3. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Thanks for answering my question so in depth. I find that it's an interesting question that most people just don't really know how to answer. Often times they get stuck on doing one or the other(saving vs. income) and not a good mix of both like you suggest.

    Thanks for the great interview, I enjoyed it.

  4. Binary Dollar, Jeremy and A Penny Saved:

    Thanks so much for the comments.
    It means a lot!
    I really enljoy the Money Blogger Podcast interviews. It's a fun series.

  5. Anonymous12:44 AM

    The history of perfume goes back to Egypt, although it was prevalent in East Asia as well. Early perfumes were based on incense, not chemicals, so aromas were passed around through fumes. The Roman and Islamic cultures further refined the harvesting and manufacturing of perfumery processes to include other aromatic ingredients.

    Thus, the ancient Islamic culture marked the history of modern perfumery with the introduction of spices and herbs. Fragrances and other exotic substances, such as Jasmine and Citruses, were adapted to be harvested in climates outside of their indigenous Asia.
