Monday, December 25, 2006

Fixing the Link to My Last Herald Column


My last post had an indirect link to my latest Miami Herald column about meaningful holiday gifts.

Here's a better link and a snippet of what I wrote:

A non-profit group suggests, ''Simplify the Season'' and offers a number of last-minute frugal, creative and meaningful gift ideas through a free brochure. It's available online from New American Dream, (, a consumer watchdog group in Tacoma, Md.

Suggestions include tickets to a sports event, a concert, a museum or other cultural events available at the last minute. Inquire about discounts for students, senior citizens or groups.

Do-it-Yourself cultural and sporting events are another last-minute gift idea. You can book private court or rink time at a community center, gym, bowling alley or recreational facility for future dates. --My latest newspaper column




The Frugal Duchess Boutique

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Wowsers, thanks again for mentioning No Limits Ladies. You did a wonderful job like usual.

    Would have mentioned it earlier but I was at the apartment that time forgot (my Mom's place). No computers there. I don't know how she functions! LOL
