Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Part-Time Job Lessons from Demi, Bruce & Ashton

How important are summer & part-time jobs to the financial education of kids? Very important and some celebrity parents agree. According to, a popular celebrity blog that is owned by Time Warner, Bruce and Demi's daughter, Scout, has a job. And it's not about the money.

Summer jobs and part-time jobs offer valuable lessons about discipline, frugal living, organization and other real-life lessons. Those jobs also provide easy lesson plans on personal finance.

Of course, some commenters at made that connection, but others made snarky remarks about Scout's appearance. (The mean comments made me crazy. Let's be real. Many of us, myself included, looked pretty dorky/awkward as teenagers.) So, I agreed with this reader called "stix&stones:"

Who cares what she looks like?? At least she has a job and doesn't just sit on her ass like most celeb's kids do, expecting to have everything handed to them. Good for her, getting a job of her own.--reader (stix&stone) scomment from

This past summer, my boys, (11 and 14) both had summer jobs. My oldest worked at a pizza store, where he picked up lessons on deadlines, multi-tasking and math--just from working at the cash register.

My 11-year-old was a mother's helper for a woman with three active children under the age of three. Wow. He came home every night exhausted and wealthier.

Note: I wrote the above with permission from my boys, who approved, but insisted that I add that they also went to camp and on a summer cruise with my parents.

Bottom line: They had fun and really learned a lot from their summer jobs.



The Frugal Duchess Boutique

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:11 PM

    I think summer jobs are crucial to developing a child's sense of greater responsibility towards self and family, as well as develop a healthy relationship with understanding the connection between work and money.

    Kudos for teaching your kids these lessons. And Kudos for Bruce and Demi, too. Having spent some time working in Hollywood, this outlook is a rarity when it comes to parenting.h
