Monday, January 22, 2007

Ballet Booty Yoga & My Cheap Discount on Yoga Blocks: $2.50 vs $10.99

While visiting the folks, I skipped into a Super Target and found a good deal on the yoga blocks that I've needed for months. We skipped over the As-Seen-on-TV Ballet Booty Yoga workout, program (about $40 for the DVDs and bonus), but we found a good deal on what we really needed.

Yoga blocks are those soft bricks that enable beginners & intermediate yoga wannabes to complete difficult poses & stretches. I've been waiting for a good price and we found yoga blocks for $2.50 each in the Dollar Store-esqe bins in the front of Target.

As a bit of comparison shopping, I walked to the back of the store and found yoga bricks in the sporting goods sections for $10.99 each. What a price difference.

Yoga is great for stress, conditioning and great for relieving pressure and strain in my wrists & hands. My yoga classes represent one of my best investments in my future.


The Frugal Duchess Boutique


  1. Anonymous3:09 PM

    My buddies rave about yoga. I should really try it something. I'm just not a sit around and contemplate type of gal though (despite the benefits).

  2. I'm a huge yoga fan. I can't function if I miss a session. My brother is on his high school crew team and he referred me this unbelievable DVD that shows how to do yoga techniques while you train as an athlete. The DVD is focused on rowing, but it has other applications as well. The concept is that with the breathing techniques, stretches and meditation the athlete will get a workout experience unlike any other... Supposedly, these breathing techniques do not allow the body to overtrain - whether you are a novice or an elite athlete. What's more, these various techniques essentially give you a high altitude workout at sea level... And, after every workout you are invigorated as opposed to being sore. It's pretty cool. A little expensive ($59.99) but it's absolutely worth it if you are a training athlete. The DVD is called "The Rower." They have a website that explains more about it:

  3. Hey Kimber:

    Thanks for your comment.
    You may like power yoga. Lots of movement and activity.

    Yoga push-ups are so brutal.

    Great Randonvski:
    I also hate to miss a session of yoga. A yoga workout makes me feel chilled, stretched out and blissed out. I work out with tapes and a personal trainer. I share the session with a group of women and have a session with my family also.
