Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Home, Health & Gas: The Biggest Price Hikes in 2006

Single-family homes, gas, hospital stays and a college education represented some of the worst deals for consumers in 2006. Based on consumer prices listed on a chart in the Wall Street Journal, I crunched some numbers and came up with a list of the best deals in life and the most expensive. In the Jan. 2 issue, WSJ provided price checks on a menu of average consumer services and products based on prices for 2004-2006.

Based on my calculations of price changes, here's:

My List of the Biggest Price Jumps:

.........Item.........2006 price....2006 vs 2005 change.............2006 vs 2004

Single-Family Home...$195,400..........13%...........................14%

Gas............per gallon........$2.60..........12%........................... 37%

Hospital Stay (one day)...$5,260.........8.5%..........................19%

Big Mac.......................... $2.59...........8%............................13%

College (one year)............$19.014........7%.............................13%

Tax Prep...................$160.................6%.............................14%

Clogged Sink Fix........$226................5%.............................13%

Plane tickets**...........$257...............4.5............................6%

**2,000 miles domestic


The Frugal Duchess Boutique

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