Monday, January 08, 2007

My Weekly Roundup of Favorite Posts

From green goals for 2007 to frugal weight loss plans, last week's posts on offered a lot of valuable insights. Some bloggers posted about their roles as personal finance writers and others provided information about weird questions a financial adviser may ask.

Here are a few of my favorite posts from last week.

Wise Bread offered this thoughtful post about $1,000 an ounce skin creams. Here's the inside story: Low-budget skin-care routines work just as well.

No Credit Needed has a thoughtful post on being a PF Blogger vs. a PF expert. I enjoyed his internal debate about his role as a blogger. He's emotionally honest and entertaining.

All Financial Matters has a super piece on loaded questions (and inappropriate queries) that a financial advisor may ask. JLP offers a good read and a very informative piece.

At Frugal for Life Dawn has a great piece on her green goals for the 2007. Living greener translates into a healthier environment and a greener wallet.

Living on a Budget posted a timely piece on about a frugal online weight loss program and community. Sounds realistic.

Your Money to Keep posted a helpful piece about best home businesses.

Queercents has an insightful piece about living below your means. The article is part of an Investing 101 series.



The Frugal Duchess Boutique

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