Monday, January 29, 2007

Post-its: Links I Liked from the Past Week

From student travel to rowdy home-value wrecking neighbors, I had lots of fun reading this week. is a great place to go for catching up on personal finance bloggers and news items.

Here's my weekly roundup of some of my favorite posts.

Greece is an important symbol for Mapgirl. While in high school, she had a great opportunity to go to Greece.
The trip was going to cost approximately $2200.00. There was no way my parents could have foot the bill for that much money on top of my private school tuition and college tuition for my sibling --Mapgirl

Lesson: She found a frugal way to finance the trip through hard work, creativity and dedicated adults (parents/teacher).

Money and Investing offered a thoughtful piece about pennies. Is it worth it to pick up a cent? What's the value of small actions?

I understand the value of jumping at the opportunities life throws at us.I am of the philosophy that everywhere you are there is an opportunity to improve yourself and most probably to make money.--Money and Investing

Binary Dollar has a helpful piece about inexpensive and homemade household cleaning solutions.

Stop buying expensive household cleaners. All you really need is some baking soda and some vinegar. --Binary Dollar

All Financial Matters featured a funny piece about his new neighbors. Will this man ever be able to re-sell his home?

I was SLIGHTLY TICKED! IDIOTS! I realize some people are going to argue. But, when you start driving across MY yard, that’s where it stops! If they want to act like hillbillies, they should buy a place out in the country.-- All Financial Matters

And at Frugal for Life, Dawn offers her "very very best frugal tip:" Dumpster Diving.

keep your eyes peeled when driving by apartment complexes or dorm area or trash day in the suburbs. -- Frugal For Life



The Frugal Duchess Boutique


  1. Thanks for the repost!

  2. Thanks for the comment Mapgirl.
    I loved your Greece story. By the way, I am an Eagles (Iggles) fan also.
    Take care!
