Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Wall Street Journal: Free Online Today. WSJ Links I Like

I breeze past the political commentary/editorial pages of the WSJ, but I like rest of the paper, which offers a mix of business, personal finance, market news and wacky reports.

I started reading the Journal years ago when I worked in Manhattan and covered the stock market for the newsletter division of Institutional Investor, which is run by Tom Lamont, one of the best editors in New York.

Reading the Journal provided me with a quick, but in depth course on the capital markets. I call it my frugal MBA DIY program.

The WSJ has a new look and online access (WSJ.com)is free today.

Here are a few stories that caught my attention in the latest edition:

How secure/safe is online banking?

The DIY billionaire divorce.

Six baby steps for Better health in 2007

Families fight for insurance coverage for patients with anorexia.


The Frugal Duchess Boutique

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