Sunday, February 18, 2007

Bargaining for Dollars: How to Get the Best Salary Deal

I've been a victim of the Grateful Job Syndrome. For example, my professional career started in television news, where I worked as a news assistant. It was a great opportunity and I was so grateful for the job that I accepted the salary ($15,000) without a second thought.

That was in 1981 and even back then, $15,000 did not stretch far. Since then, I've gotten smarter about getting paid. My Number #1 Tip: Be patient. Don't be the first to chat about numbers. Hit the pause button when numbers are finally discussed.

With that tip and others, MSN has a very helpful piece about self-worth and salaries.

Here are my favorite tips from the article:

3. Research the normal salary range for this type of position. If you have close contacts at the hiring company, they may be able to provide you with the actual salary guidelines for the job grade or position. Otherwise, you can find out what other companies are paying individuals with your skills and education by checking out third party salary research. You can access a variety of salary surveys and reports by going to and clicking on the Advice and Resources tab.

4. Don't be the first to give a definitive figure. Ask for the range of salary for this position before offering any figure you have in mind. (In some cases, the manager may have discretionary power to go 20 percent above the highest figure he or she mentions to get an exceptional candidate.) source: MSN

Likewise, The Complete Idiot's Guide to Winning Through Negotiation by John Ilich has terrific suggestions for success in getting a pay raise.

These are a few of the tips:

1. Select a time of day when you are at your best.
2. Make the pitch to your boss on your turf (your office) or on neutral territory.
3. Use the good mood factor. Pick a time of day when your boss is feeling good.
4. Be concrete: Have a specific target. Clearly explain why you deserve a raise.
5. Have a menu of perks. If the salary pitch does not work, have alternative non-financial bonuses to discuss: a new office, a flexible schedule, a new title.
6. Practise your pitch. Rehearse.


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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:13 AM

    I earn minimum wage. There is no negotiation in the minimum wage world; it's take it or leave it.
