Friday, February 23, 2007

Carnival of Money Stories

The field of Carnivals included The Carnival Of Money Stories #5, hosted by The Digerati Life. The lineup includes very engaging stories about folks and their money. The host has done a great job of screening and categorizing the different posts. I like the story snippets that follow each link.
Here are a few of my favorites posts from the Carnival:

Money, Matter, and More Musings provided a thoughtful tale about his motorcycle, his lunch and his commute.

The Money Blog Site posted an insightful piece: What To Do With a Bonus

I'm happy to be included in the crowd. Thanks to the host for taking the time and energy to compile the Carnival!



The Frugal Duchess Booktique
The Frugal Duchess of Beauty Store
Book Shop of Fear
The Poetry & Drama Queen
Frugal Jazz & Blues


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:30 AM

    Thanks for the mention about my motorcycle. :)
