Monday, February 26, 2007

Celebrity Mug Shots at The Carnival of Personal Finance

Binary Dollar has created a red carpet line-up of posts for the Celebrity Edition of the Carnival of Personal Finance. The lineup includes celebrity mug shots, great categories and a touch of humor. Excellent job!

Here are a few of the posts that caught my eye:

Million Journey has an insightful post about the cost of having a baby. Very helpful and very real.

My Two Dollars has a great piece about why we save money.

Money for the Rest of Us has a thoughtful piece about the definition of "rich."

"I’ll know I’m rich when I can do whatever I want without thinking about the financial consequences.

This doesn’t work either. I will never be able to just ignore the price tag of something. I will always think about the financial consequences. It’s just my nature."-- Money for the Rest of Us

I'm happy to have a post in the carnival. Look for me in the photo next to Michael Jackson. I think I'm Katharine McPhee from American Idol or maybe I'm Marie Osmond. Help! (see photo above) In the next carnival, I want to be Halle Berry. But in this round, I'm just grateful to be included.

Anwyay, excellent job and congrats to the host for taking the time to create a fun and helpful carnival.


  1. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Maybe Tiffani-Amber Thiessen? (Saved by the Bell girl) It's the poofy haircut making me think that.

  2. Yup, you are from Saved by the Bell. Zach was your boyfriend and you were a hot cheerleader back in the day. Later you moved to 90210 :) You can tell I know my celebrities!
