Saturday, February 17, 2007

Dorm Room Diet Cures for Emotional Spending

Emotional eating has a lot in common with emotional spending. That's one conclusion I reached after reading the Dorm Room Diet by Daphne Oz. As part of her 8-Step program, Oz outlines four cures to halt emotional eating.

Those tips, I realized, also apply to shopping binges. Here are the tips with a few of my comments tossed into the mix.

Anti-Binge Antidotes

1. Deep breathing. As an anti-binge eating cure, Oz recommends that dieters take five deep breaths "to clear your head" before biting into any high-calorie treats. Then take a 10-minute time-out and use the time to write about what's really bothering you.

2. Chat with friends. Don't eat your way through problems. Talk to friends about issues.

My shopping application: Go out for coffee & take a friend. Spending $5 for lattes is a lot cheaper than spending $50 for a shirt you don't need.

3. Get physical or go mental: Take a yoga class, sprint around the block or go to a book club meeting. Re-direct the urge to binge by getting busy.

My shopping application: Spend energy, not money.

4. Last resort: Binge a little. If you have tried the other tips and are still hungry, have a little treat. First, fill up on water. Next, try fruit, nuts or a yogurt.

My shopping application: Go to a dollar store. Set a spending limit. (I recommend $5.) Take exact change and leave the rest of your money home. Try to buy things that you need (hair conditioner, soap, dish washing liquid). Buy at least one fun thing and then go home.


The Frugal Duchess Booktique
The Frugal Duchess of Beauty Store
Book Shop of Fear
The Poetry & Drama Queen
Frugal Jazz & Blues


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