Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Lifting the Veil on Green, Frugal Weddings.

A great wedding does not have to cost a large fortune. For our wedding, my husband and I took many frugal and green shortcuts in order to save time and money. Our wedding was featured in wedding pages of the New York Times. Here's the clip from the New York Times. More recently, the New York Times featured a frugal and green wedding.

"It’s well worth it to start your life together in a way that’s in line with your values and beliefs,” said Ms. Harrison, 28, a graduate student at Yale, who is to marry in October. “You don’t want this event that is supposed to start your life together to come at the expense of the environment or workers in another country.” Source: New York Times

Harrison's strategies:
1. Organic menu for the wedding meal.
2. Wild flowers for the bouquet
3. Vintage (used) gown
4. Pre-wedding hiking parties

My own green & frugal wedding plans:

1. I wore a used gown (my sister's dress)
2. My bouquet and the flowers from the wedding were picked from a friend's upstate NY home.
3. My husband and I took a horse and carriage to and from the wedding. (No gas, no limo.)
4. The guests walked from the service in Central Park to the reception near the park.

We still spent a lot to have an elegant wedding in Manhattan. But our expenses were far less than the tab of most New York weddings.



The Frugal Duchess Booktique
The Frugal Duchess of Beauty Store
Book Shop of Fear
The Poetry & Drama Queen
Frugal Jazz & Blues



  1. Do you really think that weddings are causing a big part of global warming? Or is this just an attempt to change your life overall?

    Wedding Cake Toppers of All Kinds

  2. Also, if you have a moment I try to upkeep a site about wedding cakes on Squidoo. I would be interested in seeing what you had to say about creating a green wedding cake.
