Thursday, February 15, 2007

Passing the Bucks: My Weird & Frugal News Wrap

The hidden costs of dirty desks, fewer jobs, the Celtics have ended their losing streak; Wal-Mart gets a new look & Attention Shoppers: The U.S. Mint is using stores to promote the new dollar coin. Those are a few of the stories that caught my eye. Here's my latest mid-day news wrap.

1. Guard your health. Your desk may be dirtier than a bathroom: from AP

"Your office desk harbors far more bacteria than your workplace restroom, and if you're a woman, chances are your workspace has more germs than your male co-workers', a new research report shows."

2. Passing the Bucks: Celtics finally end losing streak.
The Boston Celtics finally ended the longest losing streak in franchise history, beating a Milwaukee Bucks team that was struggling almost as badly as they were. From: Associated Press

3. Zoned Out by Nonstop Work: Wall Street Journal reports that we're working too much and operating in so many time zones.

Conventional approaches to flexibility, such as flextime, don't help these time-zone warriors very much, because "an ocean of transoceanic calls" has pretty much wiped out workday boundaries, says Paul Rupert of Rupert & Co., Chevy Chase, Md., flexibility consultants. Instead, they need ways to regain control over their time.

4. They're passing another buck: Pushing the new dollar coin.
[T]he Mint has taken a new approach to designing the coins as well as promoted them with the retailers, banks and transit systems that will play the biggest role in making the coins circulate effectively.

5. Unemployment data: More people without jobs.

The number of Americans filing first- time claims for state unemployment benefits rose last week by the most since September 2005...

6. Wal-Mart Makeover, A new look for a big-box discount store.
Wal-Mart is already known for offering some of the biggest discounts around. Now it also wants to be known for showcasing those low-cost goods in a prettier setting.



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