Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Taking a Tip from Bruce Willis & His Doggie Bag

Bruce Willis does not believe in wasting food. That's the message from a recent photo of Willis, who left an upscale restaurant with a huge doggie bag.
"After dining at Beverly Hills celebrity restaurant Spago, Bruce Willis is more than happy to take home leftovers on Tuesday." -- Source: People

Jumbo-sized portions result in a lot of leftovers at many eateries. For example, last week during a date-with-mom cafe meal, my middle son and I shared a large garden salad. Packed with a variety of vegetables, pine nuts and other extras, the salad was served in a large bowl. It was my main course and was priced at $8

Even after we shared the salad, there was still enough to take home in a large container. The following day, my husband, daughter & I all had large plates of the salad.

With the doggie bag, the jumbo salad yielded five servings for $1.60 a serving or slightly higher if I factor in tax and tip.



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