Thursday, March 15, 2007

How to Quit Your Job & Other Tips at Carnival of Personal Finance

From an informative comparison of college savings plans to a how-to-quit your job guide, The Carnival of Personal Finance No. 91 is a great read. The Sun’s Financial Diary runs an excellent show. The line-up is well organized with very thoughtful commentary from the host, who must have spent hours reading, digesting and sifting through the submissions.

Here are a few of the posts that caught my eye:

I enjoyed Coverdell IRA vs. 529 plan for College Savings from Financial Zero to Hero Husband and Dad. This post provided a very thoughtful summary and comparison of two popular savings plans.

Here's another must-read: A Job Quitter’s Primer: 25 Reasons To Leave Your Job from Silicon Valley Blogger at The Digerati Life. This is an excellent article for those considering a job move.
It's a keeper.

When Your Car is a Gold Digger: Budgeting for Auto Maintenance from Money Under 30 is also a very helpful piece. I especially liked the tip about creating a self-insurance plan for repairs.

I'm glad to be in the line-up. Thanks to the host for taking the time to read over 75 entries and to organize such a wonderful carnival.


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  1. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Thanks for linking to the Carnival!

  2. Anonymous12:50 PM

    these are good information for people who want to quit their jobs due to stress of their boss or working hours not suited them. This really help to arrange finance for them.


  3. Thanks for the feedback!
