Friday, April 06, 2007

5 Things I Learned by Guest Posting at Consumerism Commentary

I went to school this week courtesy of Flexo at Consumerism Commentary. While providing a guest post for Flexo, (Guest Post: Quality Clothes for Less than a Buck), I learned a few things (and picked up a boost in traffic).

This is what I learned and many of the lesson extend beyond Blogsphere:

  1. Links matter. I submitted a Microsoft Word file to Flexo and he massaged the text with links. He provided links to almost every institution, previous post or magazine that I mentioned in my article. Links are helpful to the reader and provide a post with credibility.
  2. Plan vacations carefully. There's no reason to lose traffic or a presence in the market while you're out. Beyond the blogsphere many workers, executives and sales staffers make extensive plans to cover their niche or clients during vacations. I was impressed with Flexo's careful choreography of his vacation.
  3. Community matters. Many of us with blogs prosper and benefit from our online networking. In other careers, industry ties are also important.
  4. Take vacations: Mental, professional and emotional breaks are important for career growth and sanity.
  5. Fine-tune headlines. Be specific: Flexo upgraded my original headline. I had written something about cost-per-wear and he tweaked it to: Quality Clothes for Less than a Buck. Concrete terms and numbers really sell.
Here's a list of the guest posts at Consumerism Commentary as of today:
Guest Post: Ditch the Car and Save a Bundle
Guest Post: 10 Questions With a Professional Real Estate Investor

Guest Post: Thoughts on Raising Money-Smart Kids
Guest Post: Cutting Down the Cost of Razor Blades
Stop, Drop, Roll, by NCN of No Credit Needed
The Real Estate Bust Around the Block, by SVB from The Digerati Life
The Case Against Gold, by Lazy Man of Lazy Man and Money
Gradual Frugality, by Leo from Zen Habits
How Not to Buy a Car, by KMC from Advanced Personal Finance



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Frugal Comic Book Connection


  1. Anonymous7:21 PM


    I am so grateful you were able to provide an article for me. I'm glad to hear it translated into some traffic for you! Let me know if you need anything.

  2. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Great lessons. These are great things to pick up as a blogger. I liked how you listed all the guest posts in one place as well! Thanks so much for the reminders as well as the info you revealed regarding the editing Flexo did. I found that quite interesting!
