Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Heidi Klum in Target: 6 Reasons to Shop

Heidi Klum --supermodel, wife of Seal, and reality TV show host -- is pictured with an arm load of merchandise at Target in this recent photo from Us magazine. Here's the caption:

They Go to Target!
HEIDI KLUM, her mom, ERNA,
and tykes Leni, 3, Henry, 19 months, and Johan, 5 months, went shopping in L.A.
April 17. "

Here are 6 things I like about Target:

1. The dollar section. Once I found a pair of cute pink flip-flops for $1 at Target. But when I arrived at the cash register, the sandals were knocked down to 25 cents due to a 75 percent-off aisle in the dollar section.

2. The food aisle. We've found good deals and a broad selection of food in the grocery aisles.
The private-label, store brand is also excellent and super cheap.

3. Post-season sales. After a holiday, seasonal merchandise is marked down by 75 percent.

4. Home accents: The home design section has a great selection at thrifty prices.

5. Designer lines: A lot of hot designers --for clothes and home accessories --have designed product lines for Target.

6. Great benefits for employees and excellent community service programs.


The Frugal Duchess Booktique
The Frugal Duchess of Beauty Store
Book Shop of Fear
The Poetry & Drama Queen
Frugal Jazz & Blues
Frugal Comic Book Connection

1 comment:

  1. Ah.... Target! I'm with you on the dollar aisle... I've found many amazing goods there. Three cheers, too, for their clothing/accessories section and its affordable (and wearable) brands.
