Sunday, August 19, 2007

Update #1: $2 a Day Challenge: Skipping Snickers

A Snickers ice cream cone costs about $2.13 at the little mom-and-pop grocery store near my home. Usually on Sunday, I buy a Snickers cone or we buy ice cream from an upscale ice cream store in South Beach.

Today, however, as part of my $2 a day challenge, I skipped the cone and saved $2.13, which I rounded up to $2.30. The best part: 280 fewer calories for me.

Year-to-Date total: $2.30
Next update: Monday evening.
Thought for the the day: "Do something every day that moves you toward your most important goal." --Change Your Thinking Change Your Life by Brian Tracy

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:53 AM

    $2 a day seems doable. I'm living paycheck to paycheck with a crisis right now: a dead car and no funds to fix it. I'm desperate and may have to go back into the revolving door of monthly car payments... oh no!
