Sunday, September 09, 2007

The Donut Downfall: $2 a Day Savings Challenge

The $2 a Day Savings Challenge continues, but I'm not sure how to count the coins today. We spent about $6 for breakfast: (Croissants, donuts and muffins). But after that expense, we were quite tightfisted:

Leftovers for lunch: rice & cheese: ( from the frig into the microwave, with olive oil, tamari and spices.)

Free food dinner: Come-on-over invitation from friends. ( no expense)

Bottom line: If it weren't for the breakfast treats, we would have had a zero expense day.


1. Menu planning should begin with breakfast. Don't start the day with a sugar rush.
2. Don't underestimate the financial power of a well-stocked frig.
3. Small-ticket expenses always slip under the radar. In fact, I had planned to write a post about my zero-cost, free-food day and then I remembered the donuts and had to re-write this post to reflect reality.


The Frugal Duchess Booktique
The Frugal Duchess of Beauty Store

Book Shop of Fear
The Poetry & Drama Queen
Frugal Jazz & Blues
Frugal Comic Book Connection

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