Tuesday, October 09, 2007

5 Reasons Why I have No New Fall Clothes

I shopped differently this year. I skipped all of the seasonal sales. By my estimate, I've saved at least $200 and possibly much more.

Last year, and the year before, I scored hefty savings by purchasing my entire wardrobe for the year at upscale stores at thrift store prices. Basically, all of the national chains sell their summer/early fall clothing at super cheap prices in Aug. and September. Those items work well year-round in Miami. Two years ago, for instance, I purchased a $100 jacket for $15 at Ann Taylor Loft and last year: a $129 skirt for $30 at Anthropologie.

Usually, I "save" by purchasing cart-loads of clothes at steep discounts. But this year, I purchased nothing new for the summer/fall season. Here's why:

1. Too much of a good thing. In previous years, I purchased far more than I needed. I have barely worn some of my past purchases. When I can find the back of my closet and the bottom of my clothes cabinet, I'll go shopping again.

2. Not enough time. I've been too busy to shop. I've found other hobbies that are more satisfying and less expensive. Besides, I'd rather spend my extra time with my kids or use my spare time to earn more money.

3. Free clothes. My sister-in-law gave me a lot of great hand-me-downs in terrific shape. Why do I need more stuff?

4. I found better uses for my money. We fixed the car; attended my parent's 50th Anniversary and paid bills. With all of that going on, do I really need another skirt?

5. Sale items often fickle flavor-of-the month items: For the most part, I purchase classic items. But last year, I purchased a black handkerchief skirt and two short jackets that now look sooo dated. I still like them, and wear them, but I learned a valuable lesson: Don't invest in hot-flash fashion trends.


The Frugal Duchess Booktique
The Frugal Duchess of Beauty Store

Book Shop of Fear
The Poetry & Drama Queen
Frugal Jazz & Blues
Frugal Comic Book Connection


  1. wanted to stop by and let you know You are on my list of frugal blogs to read!


  2. Anonymous10:43 AM

    I second 1, 3 and 4 but in regards to fall clothes. I don't know if I'll actually buy something some time soon, but it's the first time that I'm not planning purchases for the new season or coveting something. Hey, it feels nice. He he!
