Thursday, October 25, 2007

Breaking the Bottled Water Habit

One community group is throwing down a challenge: Can we break our addiction to bottled water? The group: Center for a New American Deam offers these suggestions:

"This Month: Break the Bottled Water Habit

* Switch from disposable to reusable water bottles
* Buy a filter for your tap water if necessary

The first step is making sure you have a non-toxic reusable water bottle to use on the go. Find a few options on Conscious Consumer.
You should also find out about the quality of tap water in your area. In much of the country it's just as, if not more, healthy than some bottled water."

There are other strategies. I recommend checking it out. Here's the link:


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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Thanks for writing about this issue. I wanted to point out Corporate Accountability International's Think Outside The Bottle campaign. They are also working to curb the use of bottled water and have started a website, a pledge, and an online activism kit. You can sign the pledge and get more info at
