Friday, November 02, 2007

Financial Lessons from Dancing with the Stars

Confession: I'm totally into Dancing with the Stars. We watch the show on the Internet at I've learned a lot of financial lessons from the last episode. (In this past post I wrote about watching tv for free on the Internet.)

For those of you who don't watch DWTS, there is a fabulous dancer (Sabrina, a Cheetah Girl) who was voted off the show after being a top performer for weeks. Her usually stellar dance routine was not up to her standard and voters gave her the Jimmy Choo. (The high-end shoe metaphor is borrowed from Ugly Betty)

So here's what I've learned financially:

1) You're only as good as your last dance. It doesn't matter if I saved money last year or last month, the discipline of saving has to be a steady dance. You have to constantly show up and perform well every day.

2) Pace yourself. Apparently, Sabrina had an off week because she was doing so much. I've been there and I've done that. Sometimes in a push to earn lots and lot of freelance money, I over commit. I promise editors more stories with unrealistic deadlines. It becomes a lose-lose situation and I feel financially and emotionally bankrupt. And I lose points with my judges (editors).

3) Remember there are no dress rehearsals: Too often I've made serious missteps that I've later regretted. Unfortunately, there are no do-overs in life. Bottom Line: Give your best effort in the here-and-now. It's hard to repair damage on credit reports and memory accounts.


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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:29 AM

    You know all three statements are so very true!
