Monday, December 17, 2007

Candy Canes & Holiday Bonuses from Get Rich Slowly

Greetings from the candy cane section of the Carnival of Personal Finance: Naughty or Nice Edition, where Get Rich Slowly is hosting the weekly roundup of personal finance posts.
Thanks to the host for the sweet package and for including my post in the bundle.
Here are some of the other articles that caught my attention:

From Plan Your Escape: Five reasons to manage your money .

From Saving Freak: Avoiding the spending bug

From Big Dreams and Small Change: Is it bad to ask for toilet paper for Christmas?

From Green Panda Treehouse: 3 ways to wisely spend your bonus


  1. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Thanks for the mention. I won't find out what my bonus is until the end of this week. I don't expect much since I'm an intern.

  2. Hi Laura:
    Thanks for the visit.
    Take Care,
