Sunday, December 30, 2007

Links I Liked: My Favorite Posts for the Week

What's the happiest moment of your life? Is it possible to go shopping at the police station? How can we talk ourselves out of silly purchases? Those questions and other issues are featured in this weekly roundup of interesting personal finance posts. Here are a few links that caught my eye:

From Get Rich Slowly: Get Rich Slowly’s Greatest Hits (2007 Edition)

From Information Arbitrage: From the Mailbag: When Was I The Happiest in My Life?

From Wise Bread: How to buy all that stuff the police seize. And it's cheap.

From Tired But Happy: Freelancing: Diversifying your income streams

From When Do You Let Your Car Go?

From The Simple Dollar: Talking Myself Out Of Frivolous Purchases

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for the link, Sharon! I really appreciate it!!
