Sunday, December 02, 2007

Weekly Link Love: Favorite Posts

The Mommy Wars, closet battles, and a smackdown with debt are just a few of the posts that I really enjoyed this week. Here are a few of my favorite posts:

From Becoming and Staying Debt Free: Do ya ever have any fun? Great piece about frugal values, credit cards and delayed gratification.

From Millionaire Mommy Next Door: Debt Reduction Tips From A Debt-Free Mommy. She's my new role model. A wonderful how-to about saving money with great links.

From Lazy Man and Money: Weekend Link - Dipping My Toe into the Job Pool Again Edition LazyMan is sooo over the starving artist routine and wants his six-figure salary back! Great post with a great round-up about jobs, professions and money. I also miss the large salary that I enjoyed as a staff writer for a small biz publication.

From Chief Family Officer:Not everyone is meant to be a stay-at-home parent. This is a fabulous post about the ongoing battles between the stay-at-home parents vs the work-away-from home parents. (Translation: The Mommy Wars.) The post includes great comments from others and wonderful links.

From Well-Heeled And Everything: A well-edited wardrobe: This writer provides an excellent how-to about purging, sorting and donating garments from the closet. I'm using this map for cleaning out my own closet.

From The Simple Dollar: Simple Frugality By The Hourly Rate In this post, Trent --as always -- does an excellent job of breaking down the issues of frugality, personal values and the importance of the process. I adore The Simple Dollar.



The Frugal Duchess Booktique
The Frugal Duchess of Beauty Store

Book Shop of Fear
The Poetry & Drama Queen
Frugal Jazz & Blues
Frugal Comic Book Connection


  1. Anonymous4:41 PM

    I love your new photos, Sharon, especially the beach shot! Congrats on your upcoming book, too. And thanks for the nice link!

  2. Hi Millionaire Mommy:

    Thanks for the kind words. It means a lot.
    Take Care,

  3. thanks for the link...ditto millionaire, love the photos.

  4. Hey Prince:

    Thanks so much!
    Take care,

  5. Thank you for mentioning my post - I hate the Mommy Wars too. And everyone's right - the new photos are fantastic!

  6. CFO:

    You are so kind. Thanks! :)
