Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Gas Survey: $4 a Gallon by Summer?

This news item about $4 a gallon summer gas prices caught my attention:

"A new national opinion survey -- which will be released later today -- sponsored by the nonprofit and nonpartisan Civil Society Institute think tank and its project offers the following details:

More than 7 out of 10 Americans expect gasoline prices to reach $4 this summer

  • Nine out of 10 Americans report that what political candidates say about fuel prices, energy policy and dealing with climate change will have a big impact on who they vote for

  • Higher gas prices are the #1 economic worry of Americans for 2008 -– ahead of fears about recession, the mortgage foreclose crisis and increased joblessness

  • Over half of Americans will cut back on summer travel plans and 2008 personal spending if gasoline prices reach $4 a gallon.

The survey indicates that many Americans think they are being gouged at the gas pump ... as well as how many drivers will be more even more inclined to buy hybrids, clean diesels and other highly fuel-efficient if gas prices reach or exceed $4 per gallon.

To get the full survey findings: join the live, telephone-based news conference (with full Q&A), dial 1-(800) 860-2442 by 1:30 p.m. ET TODAY (Wednesday, January 30, 2008). Ask for the "$4 gas/2008 elections survey" news event."



  1. I got another bet going: Which one will hit $5/gallon first? Gas or milk?

  2. We are really lucky in our country as far as gas is concerned. Pump price is about US$0.60 or so.

    The Government subsidises the rest and, as you may guess, is now having major problems with its own finances.

    It's a election year this year, and we are all expecting the price to rise once the elections are over.
