Monday, January 21, 2008

Happy MLK Day! A News Roundup

Caught up in preparations for a family celebration, I'm late in acknowledging that today is Martin Luther King Day. But even with the day-to-day pressures of life, it's important to remember the ongoing struggle for political, racial and economic equality for all. Here's a roundup of links, news, blog posts and stories related to the life of Martin Luther King Jr.

Is Martin Luther King Jr. Day sacred? (A thoughtful piece from the Chicago Tribune)

From Young and Broke MLK
From Matrix [MLK] Martin Luther King Day

From Consumerist In Honor Of Martin Luther King [PSAs]
From Money and Values Martin Luther King on Economic Justice

Martin Luther King - Biography

The King Center

The Martin Luther King, Jr., Research and Education Institute

Economic Policy Institute

The real Dr. King


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