Monday, January 28, 2008

Redecorating the Bathroom to Save Money

To save water and energy, I'm giving my bathroom a makeover that will include a new clock and a shower head. There are also various municipal programs that will underwrite a portion of the bathroom makeover if I opt for water-efficient appliances.
A clock for the bathroom is one of several conservation tips from Water -- Use It Wisely, a global water-education program. A clock will remind us to limit showers to less than five minutes, thus saving 1,000 gallons a water a month.

Our family underwent the online Family Water Audit at and scored an encouraging 25 out of 36 points.
Meanwhile, government incentive programs encourage the use of water-efficient appliances and fixtures. Miami-Dade County is offering $100 rebates to consumers who install high efficiency toilets (HETs), which range in cost from $100 to $750, according to Maribel Balbin, a county water efficiency manager. Replacing older toilets with an HET can save up to 29 gallons of water a day. In other parts of the country, there are similar programs. Check with your local government.

Miami-Dade will also replace residents' old shower heads with a new water-efficient appliance. Stop by a local office with your old shower heads (up to two) for replacements. Call 311 for the closest location.

In the Keys, the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority has various money-saving incentives for consumers, including a toilet exchange program that offers a $100 rebate for consumers who purchase water-efficient units, said Kerry Shelby, deputy director of the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority.

1 comment:

  1. The clock is a great idea, I'll add one too.
