Sunday, January 13, 2008

Weekly Reading: My Favorite Links

What do you tell people about your money? What do you consider TMI? Those are a few questions that This Writer's Wallet addresses in a recent insightful post. Here are a few of the links that caught my eye this week.

From Get Rich Slowly: Some Final Thoughts on Work, Education, and Fulfillment: This is a very thoughtful roundup about the meaning of success, achievement and work in our lives. The comments and links to related topics are excellent.

From SingleGuyMoney:Increasing Credit Scores. This post offers a great overview about credit scores and tips to increase credit ratings.

From The Budget Fashionista: Prom Dresses on a Budget: Five Great Picks for Under $50 There's no need to spend a fortune to look great at formal events.

From Brip Blap: learning how to let go This piece contains excellent tips about letting go of clutter and other items that we have stuffed in boxes and drawers. I need to memorize this post.

From Mrs. Micah: Finance for a Freelance Life: An Idea for Using Your Pennies to Make Others Happier I've been collecting pennies from around my house, and so I found this post to be especially interesting.

From This Writer's Wallet: Let’s Get Something Straight: Is It Just Money? I just love this thoughtful post about money, honesty and TMI (too much information)


  1. Anonymous11:40 AM

    I'm glad you liked it! :)

  2. Anonymous3:00 PM

    It's so nice to be honored by respected PF-bloggers. Thanks for reading, and thanks for the nod!
