Thursday, February 21, 2008

Sorry About the Pop-up Ads: Lessons in Advertising, Money & Life

Word on the Cyber Street: There are annoying pop-up ads on my blog. My response: Sorry! My bad. I didn't realize that the ads were so intrusive, annoying and consistent. (Two fellow bloggers kindly sent me emails voicing complaints and community grumblings related to the pop-ups.) Thank You!

Here are the life lessons that I've retrieved from pop-up blunder:

1. Consider contracts carefully: I should have paid more attention to the visual impact on my blog and the annoyance factor. I've cancelled that portion of the contract. (I hope the change won't take too long to show up on my blog.) Likewise, as a buyer, seller or business partner, I should be more heads-up about future contracts involving merchandise, services or other financial arrangements.

2. Don't lose sight of the big picture. Duh! I started writing a blog to reach others, but if ads detract from my goal, then I'm working against myself. It's a pattern. From personal to financial goals, I've periodically fallen into traps of self-sabotage. Or I let myself get sidetracked by minor opportunities. Keeping sight of bottom-line goals will help me stay focused on the right path.

3. Move quickly; Move on: I received the complaints this afternoon about the pop-ups. Immediately, I altered the contract, thanked the fellow bloggers and wrote this post. I've learned a lot from past mistakes related to money, love and work. When I make mistakes --which I have--it's best to quickly correct the situation and then move on.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:55 PM

    I know it's hard to tell how some things work on your site. Like I was having some trouble with a comment plugin and it wasn't letting people comment for a whole day. :P But I couldn't tell because I wasn't seeing the problem. Fortunately, people e-mailed me about it. It took two sets of e-mails for me to fix it entirely.

    Good luck with other advertisers in the future. :)
